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LTC Prehab- Get Fit and Ready project

Overcoming Barriers and Finding Motivation

In this short video we’ll be looking at Overcoming common barriers that arise when finding motivation to start something new, reach our goals or begin managing our physical or mental health.
We will be examining what Motivation is and what prevents us from feeling motivated.
We will then move on to look at 3 key strategies:
Use of Values, SMART Goals and Problem Solving in order to work toward finding motivation for whatever it may be that we’re aiming to achieve. This video helps us take simple steps, with questions and prompts to give us tangible actions to take forward.
This video can be used to help us with motivation for adapting to new challenges with Long Term Health conditions or help us overcome withdrawal and lack of motivation when we’re Low in Mood or feeling Depressed.
Get Fit and Ready Pre-Habilitation Video