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TalkPlus Courses

TalkPlus runs a range of courses for various conditions, nearly all of which are held at our main location in The Meads Business Centre, Farnborough.

You can discuss the details of our courses during your initial assessment or with your therapist during treatment; they can help you decide if a course is appropriate for you.

The Worry Tree

Managing low mood and anxiety

The course runs over 4 weeks and with each module is an hour long. These are run either in person or online.

The course is suitable for anybody who wants an introduction to CBT, to gain an understanding about general anxiety and depression, and is self-motivated to learn self-help techniques to better manage their mood.

There are opportunities to ask questions and join in with group tasks, although it is not a forum to share their personal experiences. We encourage participants to have their cameras on if they are attending online. Generally, patients attend the managing low mood and anxiety course following initial assessment.

The course is suitable for people experiencing mild to more severe levels of depression or general anxiety. The course does not cover how to manage OCD, social anxiety, panic disorder, agoraphobia, health anxiety, PTSD, or sleep difficulties.

Those who may not benefit from this course include patients who are People with at risk or those who are interested in a sharing group work, or a space to talk, may not be suitable.

Overall the course was fantastic and, I think, has had a benefit that I can build upon.”

Session 1

Understanding depression and anxiety as common mental health difficulties. Identifying the main problem using the 5 areas model. Wellbeing tips (exercise, eating and sleep). Setting SMART goals.

Session 2

Behavioural Activation and
cognitive restructuring.

Session 3

Worry management, problem solving and progressive muscle relaxation.

Session 4

Graded Exposure, maintaining progress and further support.

Useful skills for better relationships

You may be experiencing difficulties in relationships at work or in your personal life, or may find it hard to build or sustain relationships generally.

The course is a four-week programme (4 x 1.5 hours early evening).

Ideally you should be able to attend all four modules.

The class tends to be quite small and there is time for individuals to share their experiences if they would like to.

There is a mixture of presentations, role plays (by the facilitators to demonstrate points and the participants usually in pairs to practise communication skills), small and larger group discussions and one or two questionnaires

I still think it was one of the most helpful and useful courses I’ve done, so I’d be happy to help spread the word.”

Session 1

Feeling comfortable with conversations.

Session 2

Being assertive and speaking
up for yourself.

Session 3

Managing frustration and irritability.

Session 4

Showing affection and giving praise and encouragement.

Self refer today to find out more about our courses

Fill in a Self Referral Form Today

Living well, staying well

This course is designed for people who have a long-term health condition and want some support with managing their mood and anxiety around their physical health.

The course is about understanding the link between physical health and emotional wellbeing.

Each week covers different topics:

Session 1

Links between physical and emotional wellbeing, the cycle of change and the difference between physical symptoms and suffering.

Session 2

Sleep and worry management.

Session 3

Movement (Boom and bust, pacing
& SOC model) and Negative
Automatic Thoughts.

Session 4

Healthy eating, diet and emotions.

Session 5

Communicating with others and talking
to ourselves.

Session 6

Bringing it all together.

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy Course for Depression, Anxiety and Pain

This is an 8-week in-person course for those interested in using mindfulness skills to improve their mental and physical well-being. In specific circumstances (e.g. mobility problems) online access to the course can be arranged..

This is a practical course teaching participants how to pay greater attention to the present moment – to thoughts, feelings and body states as well as the world around them– in order to be able to take better care of themselves.

Mindfulness practice has been shown to be particularly beneficial for people who are recovering from depression, wanting to deal with anxiety and stress, or having to manage longer-term physical health conditions.

Over the course of eight 2-hour classes, a range of meditation and resilience building exercises will be introduced and support materials will be provided. There will be the opportunity for small group discussions to reflect on the best use of the exercises and to help tailor the approach to individual needs. Past participants often comment on how they valued the support and mutual learning within the group.

Mindfulness strongly depends on practice. There is, therefore, an expectation that participants will be able to commit to daily practice between the classes.

Referrals to the course are through your TalkPlus therapist.

young woman on her phone

Baby & Me

TalkPlus working in partnerships with Barnado’s and Farnham Primary Care Network

What is Baby and Me?
It is an 8 week course that explores thoughts and feelings around anxiety, low mood and wellbeing and feeling alone in a safe environment, allowing space to have special time with your baby. Refreshments available. For you to get the best out of the group, we ask that you commit to the full 8 weeks. If you feel this is for you, please speak to your health visitor.

Who is this course for?
new mums registered with a Farnham GP

Where is the course taking place?
This is an in-person course taking place at Hale Family Centre, Upper Hale Road, Farnham GU9 0LR.

Can I bring my baby?

If you’re not registered to a Farnham GP, but live in Rushmoor or Hart, we have a similar course called Knowing Me, Knowing You – refer today to find out more.

How do I refer?
Speak to your health visitor or self-refer online through our website or by calling TalkPlus on 01252 533 355 Complete a Self Referral and mention the Baby and Me Course.

“Baby and me, is a group that helped me a lot with my post-natal anxieties, I got to meet some lovely friendly people that were in the same situation as me. I would 100% recommend this group to all mums, it’s great for just chatting about your week as-well as learning different techniques to help you along the way. The centre is also great and is very relaxed with tea and biscuits and somewhere for your babies to play with lots of toys around the room. If I could attend the group again I would”

Session 1

Meet & greet with facilitators, informal chat about the course. Feel free to bring a friend/ parent/ family member to support you in week 1.

Session 2

Welcome session and getting to know each other

Session 3

What makes me feel this way

Session 4

How relationships change

Session 5

Keeping myself well

Session 6

Me and my baby’s wellness toolbox and mindfulness

Session 7

Setting my goals

Session 8

Course completion celebration

Dads Course

This TalkPlus course is aimed at first time dads, but also other experienced dads with children under the age of 2 years.

If you are struggling with anxiety, stress, low mood, or other struggles due to the new addition to the family, this is the place for you! We aim to provide a supportive environment. It is a good space for dads to ask questions, share tips, struggles and successes and to grow your support network. We welcome babies to the sessions, so childcare should not be an issue.Courses due to run online in June and September 2024 and last for 5 weeks.

Complete a Self Referral and mention the Dads Course.

Self Refer today to find out more about our courses

If you are a registered patient of a GP in Rushmoor, Hart or Farnham, you can complete our self-referral form and you will be contacted by a member of the TalkPlus team.

Fill in a Self Referral Form Today