Getting Better Sleep
Sleep is an essential part of our well-being as important for general health, mood, concentration and daily performance. It is common to not sleep properly for a night or two. This could be due to excitement about a birthday, worried about an interview the next day or being ill. Most people can put up with a bad night’s sleep for a night or two. This is because your body will catch up on the missed sleep later on. However, not sleeping for several days or weeks can start to affect our ability to cope day to day.
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LTC Prehab- Get Fit and Ready project

LTC Problem Solving for people with a Long Term Condition
During this video, we’ll be talking about a technique called problem-solving, a practical approach to solving problems. This technique helps us to break our problems down into small, manageable chunks and take practical steps in a structured way to overcome these problems.

LTC Pacing for people with a Long Term Condition
In this video, we’re going to talk about pacing, a technique which can help you consistently carry out activities without causing a flare-up of physical health symptoms. Pacing is the technique of only doing an activity for the length of time that our bodies are comfortable with.